Lane, Cecelia Scott (M.S., Home Economics Education, 1937)

Cecelia Scott Lane received a master’s degree in Home Economics Education from Iowa State College in 1937. Prior to her enrollment at Iowa State, she had earned a bachelor’s degree at Prairie View A&M University in Texas. She went on to teach at Houston College for Negroes (now Texas Southern University), teaching there by 1947 (“With Recent,” 1947). By 1952, she was the Dean of Home Economics at Texas Southern University (“Homemaking,” 1952). Lane taught there for the rest of her career. The Department of Human Services and Consumer Sciences program at Texas Southern is named in her honor.

Iowa State College Thesis Title:  The place of home economics in the curriculum for women of Houston college for Negroes, 1937 

Iowa State University Library Digital Repository Link:


Homemaking teachers hold annual conference at PV. (1952, Sept.). Panther, Vol. 27(1). Prairie View Agriculture and Mechanical College. Retrieved from

With recent Prairie View graduates. (1947, April). The Prairie View Standard, Vol. 17(8). Prairie View University. Retrieved from
