Lockett, John Leon (B.S., Agronomy, 1923; M.S., Agronomy, 1928)

In 1926, Lockett, a Professor of Farm Crops and Soils, was one of five Iowa State graduates among the seven professors in the Agriculture Department at Prairie View. The others were Iowa State graduates E. B. Evans, R. B. Atwood, L. A. Potts, and J. M. Alexander. After receiving his Ph.D. from Rutgers, Dr. Lockett went on to become a professor of Agronomy at Virginia State College for Negroes, where he later became Director of the School of Agriculture until1963, when he gave up the position (“John L. Lockett,” 2018)

Iowa State College Dissertation Title: Some chemical and bacteriological relations of organic matter in the soil to crop yield, 1928 

Iowa State University Catalog Record:https://iowa-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/f/12tutg/01IASU_ALMA21221825150002756


Photo Credit: Prairie View A&M University(1926)

1926 The Prairie(p.32)


Biography available at  HBCU Connections at Iowa State University  John L. Lockett  ( http://hbcuconnections.iastatedigital.org/John_L._Lockett )

John L. Lockett. (2018, May 17). HBCU Connections | Iowa State University, . Retrieved 5 February 2022. from  http://hbcuconnections.iastatedigital.org/index.php?title=John_L._Lockett&oldid=3
